API Reference

Scan Alert Messages

Provides the scan alert and message payloads (request and response) identified with the finding.

Alert Message Response

The overall container with details for this specific scan alert.

scanMessage{}The scan message container that holds request and response details.
uri""The uri or path of the alert finding.
evidence""The associated evidence of the alert finding.
otherInfo""Additional info associated with this alert finding.
description""The details of the alert finding.
param""Parameters associated with this alert finding.

Scan Message

The request sent and response received by the scanner.

id""The unique identifier for the message.
requestHeader""All request headers.
cookieParams""All request cookies.
requestBody""The request body.
responseHeader""The response headers.
responseBody""The response body.

See the Scan Results Analysis guide for further details on how to use these endpoints.

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!