API Reference

Create Application

Creates a new Stackhawk Application for this organization.

Applications group scan results from HawkScan, and coordinate settings to influence HawkScan behavior. The application may also contain a specific environment name and id.
For more information, see Applications.

applicationId""The UUID identifier of this application.
name""The name of this application.
env""The name of this environment. Only set when requesting Application Environments.
envId""The UUID identifier of this environment.
applicationStatus"ACTIVE"The status of this application. Either ACTIVE or ENV_INCOMPLETE.
organizationId""The UUID identifier of the organization that owns this application.

The env and envId fields are not populated on the response with this endpoint.


Teams Supported

If the user belongs to a StackHawk Team, a created application will belong to the user's Team.



This is recorded as APPLICATION_ADDED User Activity.

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