API Reference

StackHawk Current User

This endpoint provides details about the requesting user. This information helps determine what access an authorized user has on the StackHawk platform, and how they are authenticated.

The StackHawk user is seperated into two sections. provider specifies how the user authenticates. external specifies details of the user, and the access they have to the StackHawk Platform.


A StackHawk User as identified by the platform.

stackhawkId""An internal identifier for this user. This is not the user uuid.
provider{}Information about the login provider assigned to this user. Read More
external{}Information about the user itself, and how they appear in the platform. Read More
createdTimestamp0Creation timestamp of this user.


Information about a users access Provider to the StackHawk platform.

slug"UNKNOWN"User access provider.
clientId""Provider client Id.
created0Milliseconds since epoch timestamp of when the user access was granted.


Information about the User and how they can access the platform.

id""The UUID identifier of this user.
email""Users email address.
firstName""Users first name.
lastName""Users last name.
fullName""Users full name.
avatarUrl""Users avatar url.
applicationIds[]An array of application ids this user has access to.
organizations[]Organizations a user is a part of. Read More
preferences{}User preferences; options that can be set by the user. Read More
metadata[]Metadata associated to this external user. Primarily used for stuffing 3rd party verification data.


User settings and preferences for interaction within StackHawk.

dontReceiveWeeklyEmailfalseIf the user will be opted out of weekly organization update emails.
defaultOrganizationId""The UUID identifier of the organization a user currently logs into.
dontReceiveTrialingEmailsfalseIf true, the user will be opted out of stackhawk subscription-trialing notifications.

User preferences can be adjusted from the account settings page in the StackHawk platform.


Represents the relationship between a User and an Organization they belong to.

organization{}The StackHawk organization this user belongs to.
role"UNKNOWN"The organization role the user belongs to within this organization.
features[]Specific access features available to this organization.
metadata[]The user's organizational specific metadata.
achievements[]Specific product journey events that have triggered for this user.


A StackHawk Organization.

id""The UUID identifier of this StackHawk Organization.
name""The name of this Organization.
subscription{}The billing subscription of this Organization.
isLinkedToExternalBillingfalseIf this organization is yet connected to external billing (Stripe).
plan""The feature plan this organization belongs to.
features[]Specific overrides to the feature flags in the plan.
settings{}Organization settings.
createdTimestamp0Creation timestamp of this organization.

A StackHawk platform user can belong to many organizations.

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